Friday, December 31, 2010

on this, the eve of a new year....

It's hard to believe another year has been spent. But here we are...on this last day of 2010. I suppose there are many who take time to look 'back' and re-live what they've done (or not done!) over the past 12 months. Many sit with pen in hand, 'resolving' to make changes. Still others wonder, as I am, where the heck the year went! In all, I'd say it is a time for reflection and eagerness. Another trip 'round the sun that we might grow more of who we really are.

Every year, on this day, I break out my new calendar and mark the dates that are important to me. Birthdays, anniversaries, passings, break-throughs; any date that holds significance for me that I wish to continue to remember. While I mark those dates on my new calendar, I take my time and let the memories roll. I do not sit in sadness; rather, I remember with fondness and great love all the many blessings that I have lived over the past 12 months. It is not a rueful time; it is a joyous time. So much to be grateful for. So much to look forward to. So much love!

And so, on this, my last post of 2010, I bid you all a final suggestion:

Be grateful. Hold the love in your heart and let it wash through you. Look not at the sorrows you may have lived, but instead look at how well you have grown. Look at how much more you are now. Feel that gratitude deep in your bones. And, most of all, remember that with each new day we have the opportunity to find even more....more love, more joy, more abundance, more friendship, more of ourselves.

Be eager about your next trip 'round the sun! Be ever-hopeful for those things that you most desire to come to you.. They will. All you must do is ALLOW THEM TO COME!

It is with great fondness and deepest appreciation that I close this chapter of my life. And YOU have everything to do with that ever-growing gratitude!

I wish you all that you dream of. I wish you great love and happy moments. I wish you exquisite health and loads of fun. I wish you JOY!


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