When one lives in a rural setting, and is not prone to "getting out much", one tends to find other ways of making friends. Some might call it serendipity. I call it Kindred Spirit. And the best part? You don't even need to "hunt".
About a year ago, I was perusing Pinterest, looking at horses. I came upon a little Colt that took my breath away. (for more about this, you can read it HERE.) I wrote that post on November 28th, 2014. Now, as I near the anniversary of that moment, I am reminded, once more, of all the Magick that is my Life. I am reminded that even when you don't "know" someone, you can become friends by the mere act of writing letters. It is a most wonderful way to get to know a Human. Mostly because there is little resistance. There's none of the posturing that often accompanies face-to-face interactions. There is only a sincere desire to get to know each other, just for the joy of it.
When Ken Archer and I first began our friendship, we spoke of the things that we most treasure. We shared the stories of our passions for all things Nature. He told me about his family, his lovely wife, his love of photography and the wild things. I shared my own passions: horses and dogs and all things Creative. Our friendship grew slowly, and without tension. Just as it should be. No judgments. No competition. No dishonesty. Simply common interests shared between two people who understand what it means to be Human...and do the best we can with what we've got.
A beautiful way to make friends.
Today, after a long lapse in communications, mostly due to both our "busy" work, I got a lovely email, telling of the adventures over the summer, and some happy familial celebrations. It made my heart so happy to hear his news. And look at his photographs. And know that this new friend of mine is living his life just as he wishes. What more could anyone ask for? It made my heart sing to peruse his latest photographs and imagine all the magickal moments he must have spent taking those pictures. The mountains and rivers and snow and rain and all the many magnificent animals that he so patiently waited for, to capture with his camera and share with the world. This man, my friend, is a constant inspiration to me. And on this day, as the rain pours down on our very thirsty trees, I am deeply grateful. For his friendship and the heart that drives him. For the eyes that can see his incredible work. For the Internet that allows us this friendship. And for all the many blessings that are my Life.
Yes. Life is GOOD.
Ken Archer Photography
The photo below was taken by Ken Archer. All rights reserved. For more about this photo, and to purchase a print, please visit his website.
About a year ago, I was perusing Pinterest, looking at horses. I came upon a little Colt that took my breath away. (for more about this, you can read it HERE.) I wrote that post on November 28th, 2014. Now, as I near the anniversary of that moment, I am reminded, once more, of all the Magick that is my Life. I am reminded that even when you don't "know" someone, you can become friends by the mere act of writing letters. It is a most wonderful way to get to know a Human. Mostly because there is little resistance. There's none of the posturing that often accompanies face-to-face interactions. There is only a sincere desire to get to know each other, just for the joy of it.
When Ken Archer and I first began our friendship, we spoke of the things that we most treasure. We shared the stories of our passions for all things Nature. He told me about his family, his lovely wife, his love of photography and the wild things. I shared my own passions: horses and dogs and all things Creative. Our friendship grew slowly, and without tension. Just as it should be. No judgments. No competition. No dishonesty. Simply common interests shared between two people who understand what it means to be Human...and do the best we can with what we've got.
A beautiful way to make friends.
Today, after a long lapse in communications, mostly due to both our "busy" work, I got a lovely email, telling of the adventures over the summer, and some happy familial celebrations. It made my heart so happy to hear his news. And look at his photographs. And know that this new friend of mine is living his life just as he wishes. What more could anyone ask for? It made my heart sing to peruse his latest photographs and imagine all the magickal moments he must have spent taking those pictures. The mountains and rivers and snow and rain and all the many magnificent animals that he so patiently waited for, to capture with his camera and share with the world. This man, my friend, is a constant inspiration to me. And on this day, as the rain pours down on our very thirsty trees, I am deeply grateful. For his friendship and the heart that drives him. For the eyes that can see his incredible work. For the Internet that allows us this friendship. And for all the many blessings that are my Life.
Yes. Life is GOOD.
Ken Archer Photography
The photo below was taken by Ken Archer. All rights reserved. For more about this photo, and to purchase a print, please visit his website.

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