Wednesday, December 2, 2009

the riches of our lives ~

In those moments when things seem to get all clouded up with ickiness, there is nothing that brings you back to joy faster than a good friend. The kind of friend who will let you cry, and listen with love, without trying to solve anything for you. The kind of friend who loves you in spite of your silliness. The kind of friend who can wrap her arms around you, all the way from Nebraska.

It is in those moments when you realize just how rich you are. You can see, even through your angst, that yours is a world full of treasures, full of love, full of all things good. And somehow, just being able to let go of the angst with such a friend makes the treasure even more valuable. As if the world has expanded just because of this friendship.

It's a beautiful thing.

What's even more beautiful is how you don't get those feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment when it's all over. You don't wake up the next day feeling stupid because you were such a basket case the day before. You feel neither shame nor remorse. Rather, you feel that love wrapped around you still, warming you all the way to your bones...and beyond.

Yes, these are the riches of Life. These friends who hold us when we are being the child we are. They hold us without judgment. They hold us in their Love...large and endless.

Such a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NEBRASKA? That's a long way from where you are, isn't it? I heard Nebraska is 2 miles this side of the end of the earth.

I love you madly!

Mother Connie