Brought them into my shop, and started cleaning them up. Didn't know exactly what I was going to do with them, but I knew there was something there waiting for me. Once finished with the clean-up, I had all sorts of ideas circling 'round in my head. Brought one of them up to my loft, sat in the warmth of sunshine streaming in the windows, & stared at it. For a long time. Just sat & stared.
There were so many thoughts flyin' through my brain, I didn't know which one to 'go with'. I started painting...& then added a big jumble of words...all the ones that were flyin' around. But after I finished...I didn't like it. It just wasn't what I'd imagined. It didn't feel right.
I left it be for a while. I felt like I was over-thinking it. I'd been with it for so many hours, I couldn't 'see' it clearly. So I left it on my table...& tried to let it 'rest'. Problem was, I couldn't get it outta my head. I kept going back in there...looking at it & wondering what it was asking for. Oh SHEESH, Camille. give it a break!
Later on....somewhere around midnight, I realized what was 'not right'. So I started all over. Cuz the only thing I kept hearing was "grace". I thought about that the whole time I was cleaning it up.
It's such a pretty word...
Grace...."unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification". Wow. Divine Assistance. Hmmmmmmm. How can you not love that? I finally went to bed with that word in my head...and slept as restfully as I have in a very long time. Woke up the next morning...and there it was.
I believe that when we walk in Grace...with unquestionable Trust...we walk with ease, with a knowing that the 'Divine Assistance' is always present. Grace is soft. It's gentle. It's a deep kindness that carries us as a mother carries her newborn babe. Grace is Eden. A splendid, beautiful place to live.
Grace is where I want to live...
This is remarkable!
-Love that you have ears tuned to the voices so eager to share.
-Love your willingness to listen with dynamic enthusiasm.
-Love your gift of translation. Effective interpretation is a gift.
Grace begats grace.
Kudos to your depth and expansion.
Much love,
ah! look! one word!
and what a word you picked!
awesome, lady!
just awesome!
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