Thursday, March 28, 2019

...this, too, shall pass

Hello My People ~

Today seems a good day to speak a bit about endurance.

By definition, the word "endurance" means:

1. The fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

I speak of this now because if you are a Human you will, no doubt, have moments (or days or weeks...) when you think you simply aren't going to make it. Something of such great force is going to test you to your very limits. You may experience these moments in the form of heartbreak or grief or intense and unyielding pain, in doses so huge that it will shake you to your very core.

I know this because I have.

Yesterday was one such day.

When I woke up from a not-so-restful slumber, my entire body was at DefCon TEN. That is to say, I could NOT move. Literally. It was so intense that all I could do was lie there and try my very best to BREATHE until I was able to move. I called to my puppy so she'd come lie next to me. I find great comfort in her close to me. Also, she always knows when I'm in distress. She lies there next to me, giving me the occasional kisses, and simply BE with me.

It helps.

It took nearly an hour before I could get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. The only word that can describe what it may have looked like is "frozen". As if my entire body was made of shards of ice. And trying to walk was like having those shards cut me into a million pieces with each step.

NOT fun.

As I made my way to the bathroom, I asked any and every Entity that might be lookin' out for me to PLEASE stay close. PLEASE don't let me fall or crash to the floor. PLEASE, for ALLTHATISGOOD, HELP ME.

They must've been listening. I made it to the bathroom, and back to my bed where I spent the ENTIRE day. The only time I got up was to let the Puppy out/in, feed her, and pour myself more water. Eating was out of the question. So was our daily walk.

Like I said: NOT fun.

Strangely enough, though, I didn't panic. Somewhere inside me I knew that this, too, would pass. I would be able to resume some semblance of normalcy if I could just stay calm and let my body do whatever it was trying to do. I have no idea what that was. But I trusted it and kept breathing deeply all through the day, into the evening, right into sleep again.

I slept much better last night and when I awoke this morning I knew the moment had passed. I knew I'd be able to get up and not have to endure that ungodly pain. I knew I had "made it".

Now, just to clarify here, I'm not sharing these unhappy moments with you so that you'll feel badly for me or about any of this. Rather, I'm sharing because I know I'm not the only one who deals with such things. I KNOW there are millions of people on this Planet who must also endure their own kinds of pain. And I know that many of those people may not be equipped to deal.

So it is for YOU, my Fellow Humans, I share this story so that you might remember that, no matter WHAT you're going matter how horrible or excruciating or utterly defeated you may be feeling,


You will rise up again, like the proverbial Phoenix, and get to start anew.
You will find Joy again.
You will find Ease again.
You will get on with your beautiful Life again, all the stronger for having endured your challenges.

You can count on it.

And yes, I still believe...

Joy is a CHOICE.

{"In the Arms of Love", Mixed media art by C.Olivia Strate}

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