Thursday, July 28, 2011


Howdy, Ya'll! Many of you have asked when I might release my book in digital format. And so...
I am pleased to announce the Kindle version of "Whispers~The Often Subtle Sometimes Rowdy Voice of Truth". As of today (July, 28, 2011) you can purchase a digital copy of the book via (CLICK HERE). AND...since it's digital (which means I don't have to pay for printing, etc.), the price is a MERE $6.95! So...if you've been wanting to read it...and you have any number of new-fangled device, here's your chance!

P.S. I would be tickled to my toes if you'd also spread the word. Tell your friends. Tell your Mama. Tell that crazy lady down the street with 17 cats. Post it on your FB page...and Twitter...and whatever else you do! Thank you in advance for your support!

Wishing you all a splendid day full of your own magickal Whispers!

Peace OUT ~

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