Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Here, on this the twenty-seventh day of the year, as we wind down to yet another year ending, I can't help but feel...relieved. Oh, how happy I shall be when this horrid year is over. Me thinks it has been tough for many on our Planet. Not just here in the United States, but all 'round the world. There have been so many dreadful happenings. AND rather than go through that "list", let us simply say,

"THANK THE GODS IT'S OVER!" and move on to the business of BETTER.

Many of you make your lists of New Year's Resolutions, with, I am sure, great hope of accomplishing those things. For those of you who've been here for any length of time, you know I am not one who does ("resolutions"). I've never found them to be anything more than lies I told myself. For every one I didn't accomplish, I always felt badly for my lack of willpower or consistency or determination.


I realized that I'm just not a person who fares well under such rigid rules. I am, instead, the kind who envisions whatever it is I would like to modify/add/remove from my world. One step at a time. One day at a time. Works for me. Without all the guilt!

To that end, I thought it might be a good time to pose a few seeds for your new year too.


You were to focus on what makes you happy and leave misery for those who seem to enjoy it.

You were to begin each and every day with a simple prayer of gratitude for all the many JOYS that are your world.

You were just not so damned hard on yourself. YOU are a GIFT. Treat yourSELF as one.


You simply apply LOVE to all your days.

How grand a year it will be then, yes?

Wishing each of you a splendid, joyful, merry, loving, satisfying, creative, MARVELOUS


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